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Extraordinary Concert – 15th anniversary of Romania Luxemburg Business Forum (RomLux) Asbl

November 22, 2022 @ 19:00 - 23:00

Opera Stradivarius

On the occasion of its 15 years anniversary, the Romania Luxemburg Busines Forum Asbl (RomLux) organises an extraordinary concert of classical music at the Luxembourg Philarmonie, Salle de musique de chambre, on the evening of 29th of November at 19H00.

Just ahead of the National Day of Romania, the event is a great opportunity to connect with RomLux members since 2007 to today, Romlux partners, and relevant representants of the Romanian community as well as of the business & cultural organisations in Luxembourg.

The concert will be followed by a drink at the Philharmonie’s Grand Foyer, a great moment to reconnect.

The concert programme presents Romanian and international compositions played by exceptional artists : Opéra Stradivarius – Razvan Stoica (violon Stradivarius 1729) & Andreea Stoica (piano) with Special Guests: Cyprien Keiser (Cello) & Ilan Zajtmann (piano)

RomLux Members and their spouses have free entrance.

Tickets are available for the public on Philharmonie website:

Ticket price 55€ for Adult and < 27 years old : 25€

Buy here : Ticket info Philharmonie Luxembourg



Cyprien Keiser (Cello) & Ilan Zajtmann (piano)  – 40‘

Sergueï Rachmaninov: Sonate pour violoncelle et piano op. 19

    • Lento – Allegro moderato (G minor)
    • Allegro scherzando (C minor)
    • Andante (E-flat major)
    • Allegro mosso (G major)

Razvan Stoica (violon Stradivarius ex Ernst 1729) & Andreea Stoica (piano) – 40‘

Ciprian Porumbescu – Ballade

Thomasso Vitali – Chaconne

Jules Massenet – Meditation

Bizet/Waxman – Carmen Fantasy


Concert duration:   1h20‘ plus antract.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Luxembourg Philharmonie on the 29th of November 2022.




Andreea Stoica

“…Musicality , sensibility and great technique…”…….La Modeine Born in Bucharest, in 1981, Andreea Stoica has started to play the piano at the age of five.

At the age of six she has been accepted at the Music Conservatory „George Enescu”, in Bucharest, as a leading student in the piano class, being considered a wonder child. At the age of 12 she has had her Orchestral Debut as a soloist with the Mozart Concerto for piano
together with the “Bucharest Orchestra”.
AKer her orchestral debut, she has been engaged in many concert tours and recitals all over Europe and Japan. She has followed master-classes in Italy, Germany, Korea and The Netherlands, together with world leading pianists as Maurizio Pollini, ConstanTne Ionescu Vovu, Andre Previn and many others.

Andreea has completed her studies at the Bucharest Music University in 1999. StarTng with 1996 she has enlarged her musical horizon with chamber music which later became a fundamental part of her career. Together with her brother, the well-known violinist Razvan Stoica, has formed an inseparable duo (“Duo Stoica”) that brought them to perform in successful concerts in Europe, USA, and Japan.

2013 not only brought Andreea as a leading piano soloist, following the reviews for the successful performance with Beethoven piano concerto’s and the Warsaw Piano Concerto with the Italian Vituossi Orchestra under the leading of Vladimir Petrov, but has also brought her as part of the Kamerata Stradivarius Orchestra, following numerous tours and receiving standing ovaTons from the audience around the world.

As part of the, not only overwhelming and passionate but also ravishing, „Duo Stoica”, Andreea Stoica is to be seen together with her well-known and worldwide appreciated brother, Razvan Stoica in concerts in among The Gewandhaus Leipzig, Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Berlin Konzerthaus, Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Atheneum Enescu in Bucharest Teatro Regio Torino.

The Concert performances and the discography of “Duo Stoica” cries out for superlaTves both from the criTcs as well as from the audience bringing them at the top of the worldwide most impressive duos.

Press reviews ” It seems that with each new recording, that Andreea Stoica who has built a reputaTon of filling in at the last minute and who seems to have a repertoire as immense as her talent, is ascending higher on the scale of must-hear piano talents. She leaves you wanTng to hearing more recordings by her and especially to hear her live. Is there higher praise or promise? ” La Cronica November 2017 “It is not for nothing that Andreea won the “Best piano arTst Prize in Prague” , her musicality and great technique brings you to her concerts wanTng to hear her more and more” – De Wielder.


Razvan Stoica

Razvan Stoica is one of the most exciting and sought- after musicians of our time. He has performed as soloist with the world’s leading conductors and orchestras. His recent highlights include performances with the Südwestdeutsche Philharmonic, Slovenian Philharmonic, Netherlands Philharmonic, Sanremo Symphony Orchestra, Slovenian Radio Orchestra, Romanian Radio Orchestra, as well as the Beethoven Academy Orchestra, Essen Philharmonic and Trondheim Symphony Orchestra.

After winning the Strad Prize in Salzburg and receiving on loan the 1729 (ex. Ernst) Antonio Stradivarius violin, Razvan embarked on an international career that took him in more than 50 countries: as a soloist with orchestras or in chamber music concerts.

„Discerning charm and ravishing timbre, breath-taking technical bravura, sparkling intonation […] he will become one of the greatest violinists of his generation.” „Meunsteriche Zeitung

Born in a family with great musical tradition, Razvan got his Sirst violin lesson from his father at the age of Sive. Six years later, Modest Iftinchi (pupil of David Oistrakh) accepted Razvan in his class, despite being the youngest student. After graduating in Bucharest, he continued his studies in Amsterdam with world- renowned violinist Ilya Grubert (pupil of Leonid Kogan). During his student years, he followed masterclasses with Ivry Gitlis, Igor Oistrakh, Zakhar Bron and Krzysztof Wegrzyn.

Razvan’s talent and passionate interpretation brought him out into the light of the classical music world stage as being the real, well-known, appreciated, best new talent of 2013, receiving this reward in October 2013, in Slovakia, at the EURORADIO Competition.

As a recording artist, Razvan, continues to build a distinguished catalogue of recordings including his critically acclaimed recording of the 24 Caprices by Niccolo Paganini and the „Symphony Español” for violin and orchestra Op. 21 by Edouard Lalo together with the Beethoven Academy Orchestra Krakow.

In 1996, he joined his sister, the pianist Andreea Stoica, forming the successful

„Duo Stoica”. Razvan and Andreea Stoica are frequently present in concerts in The Gewandhaus Leipzig, Het Concertgebouw Amterdam, Berlin Konzerthaus, De Doelen Rotterdam or the Musikverein Wien.

In 2010, Razvan Stoica founded the Dutch ensemble “Kamerata Stradivarius” which brought him on stage in a double posture: as a soloist and conductor, touring Europe and Asia.

In 2017, Razvan recorded the Paganini 24 Caprices for the Hollywood production „Strad Style” that received prizes in more than 20 Film festivals.



Cyprien Keiser

Né au Luxembourg en 2000, Cyprien Keiser a reçu son premier cours de violoncelle à l’âge de quatre ans à « l’Académie Musicale Vivaldi ». Il a conInué ses études musicales à Bonn (Allemagne), à Dudelange (Luxembourg), à Metz (France) ainsi qu’au « Conservatoire d’Esch-sur-AlzeTe » dans la classe de Jean Halsdorf.

À l’âge de seize ans, Cyprien a été admis à l’unanimité au Conservatoire NaIonal Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, dans la classe de Jérôme Pernoo et de Cyrill Lacrouts.

Cinq ans plus tard il obIent son diplôme de Master.

Il parIcipe à des masterclasses avec des grandes personnalités de la scène musicale, comme Daniel Müller-SchoT, Frans Helmerson, Gary Hoffman, Ilia Laporev, Clemens Hagen et Marin Cazacu.

Cyprien a remporté plusieurs concours. Il déIent le 1er prix en solo et en musique de chambre au « Concours ArIsIque d’Épinal » (France), le 1er prix à « InternaIonal CompeIIon for Cello » à Liezen (Autriche) et il obIent à plusieurs occasions le prix SACEM et la médaille d’or au « Concours Européen et Luxembourgeois pour Jeunes Solistes ». Il obIent ensuite le 1er prix au « Concours Léopold Bellan » (France) en catégorie solo et musique de chambre ainsi que le 1er prix à la « Tiziano Rossed Swiss InternaIonal CompeIIon » (Suisse).

Il se produit en solo et en musique de chambre dans de nombreux fesIvals comme le

« FesIval de Musique des Arcs » (France) ou à « l’Académie/FesIval Ravel » (France) ou le

« FesIval Super Cello » (Chine). En 2018, Cyprien a fait ses débuts à la Philharmonie de Luxembourg lors d’un récital dans la salle de Musique de Chambre.

Cyprien a été invité à se produire en soliste avec orchestre dont l’orchestre symphonique “Serghei Lunchievici” en République Moldave et l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Luxembourg.

À parIr du mois d’octobre 2021 Cyprien conInue son parcours au sein de la « InternaIonal Menuhin Music Academy » avec Clemens Hagen et Pablo de Naveran.




Ilan Zajtmann

Né à Lyon en 2001 dans une famille de musiciens, llan Zajtmann a étudié le piano avec son père
dès l’âge de 3 ans. D’auditions en concours, il s’est familiarisé très tôt avec la scène et le public.
Après ses études au conservatoire de sa ville natale, il a intégré en 2014 le CNSMD de Lyon dans

la classe de Florent Boffard, puis celui de Paris où il a étudié avec Roger Muraro et Marie-
Josèphe Jude. Il s’est aussi perfectionné à la Schola Cantorum au près du pianiste Igor Lazko. En

2020, il est admis en master de piano dans la classe du Professeur Boris Berman, à la
prestigieuse université Yale. Depuis son premier récital à Strasbourg en 2010, llan Zajtmann n’a
cessé de se produire sur scène. Il n’était âgé que de 10 ans lorsqu’il jouait pour la première fois
en soliste avec orchestre, à Salvador de Bahia, avec l’ensemble Neo jiba dirigé par Ricardo
Castro, dans le premier concerto de Beethoven. Il est régulièrement invité à participer à des
festivals, en solo ou en musique de chambre, en France ou à l’étranger. Malgré sa précocité, llan
Zajtmann a toujours gardé ses distances avec le modèle de l’« enfant prodige». Loin de céder à la
tentation d’une surenchère virtuose, il aborde les grandes oeuvres avec humilité, faisant sien ce
mot d’Alfred Cortot: “le propre du grand artiste n’est pas d’ignorer la technique mais de l’oublier”.
En 2020, il enregistre son premier disque consacré à Frédéric Chopin.


November 22, 2022
19:00 - 23:00
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